The desktop, laptop, iPad or any other kind of computing devices that we use are for personalized use only and very simple things associated with these devices reflects the kind of person we are and also our personal choices. Moreover, most of us are in the habit of changing the wallpapers of the computer in accordance with our mood and sometimes we deliberately put up some bright wallpaper as a quick glimpse at the wallpaper has the ability to lighten our mood.
While some of the users prefer putting up pictures of our family members or ourselves in the websites, there are many users who have a fancy for more general wallpapers of varying themes. These wallpapers create much less distractions and help the users to focus on their work. There are wide ranges of wallpapers that depict vibrant colors in varying patterns which help us to regain our energy on a busy day and bounce back in our work with new vigor.
Thus most of the computer users are always on the look out for some of the best wallpapers that are going to match up with their temperament but are unable to find the ideal one. To assist them in their search we have accumulated a list of the thirty most creative online sites where the best wallpapers of varying patterns can be found. In this article screenshots of the type of wallpapers available in these sites are given to make it easier for the users to find out the best one.
1. Captain America
2. Joint Sub Committee
3. Energy Sunset
Simple Desktops is a collection of desktop wallpapers curated by Tom Watson designed to make your computer beautiful without distraction.
4. Panda Bears
5. Water
6. Doctor Who Wallpaper
Created for the Doctor Who Reprint Society as a promotion for their recent release of their stunning E-Comic Dangling Threads. Illustrated digitally at 400ppi, painted, posturized, textured along with some other fine-tuning and design elements.
7. Wallpaper by 4chan
8. Three
9. Brunettes
10. Tag Me
11. Bridge
12. The Giddy Up Tree and The Bick ham Script Tree
13. Sia Dark
14. Squirrel and Friends
Series of illustrations made for group exhibition ‘VIERKWART’ at the Coffee Company.
15. Abstract Multicolor Vector Illustrations
16. A Trip to Wonderland
Originally made for depth core latest pack “A trip to Elsewhere”
17. Wallpaper Ink
Wallpaper for INK studio.
18. Maow
Extract from a project on animals // still on draft.
19. Huntress
This is an inkjet print of my original illustration.
20. Food Fight
21. Zoo
22. Abstract
23. Books
24. Happy Mother’s Day!
25. Last Bridge
26. The Two Tress
27. Zero Punctuation
28. VW Bus
29. Aero Dark
30. Communism
Source : 2expertsdesign[dot]com
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