One of the ways to customize your iPad is to find the perfect wallpapers for it. This set of iPad wallpaper gives you a selection of wonderful images formatted for the iPad. I didn’t chose any Apple wallpapers, but you shoudn’t have any problem finding some.
1. A Penguin
2. Domo Kun Zilla
3. Birdsongs 1
4. Island pods
5. Headphones
6. And
7. Game Hunter
8. Toons, Drugs and Rock & Roll
9. City with reflection
10. Sushi Dinner
11. Lolephant
12. Stargazer 2
13. Horse
14. Halcyon
15. Snow Leopard
16. Remember
17. Trombombone
18. Clockwork Closet
19. Red Hood
20. 2
Source : designer-daily[dot]com
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