A new year has began and to make a fresh start it's always nice to get new wallpapers for your desktop and devices. I've searched for some great, creative wallpapers and managed to find some fine, free pieces for you guys.
Here you can see some amazing artworks selected for you guys. Some are desktop only, others are mobile only, and other are for all devices. Check out the description for information and click each image to visit the download page of each art. I hope you enjoy this selection, and happy new wallpaper! Cheers. ;)
Harry Nesbitt
Hampus Olsson
Curtis Jinkins
Nina Geometrieva
Mikael Eidenberg
Adam Trageser
Nina Geometrieva
Samuel Suarez
Julian Burford
Ryan Putnam
Chris Hendrixson
Chris Hendrixson
Andrus Valulis
Samuel Suarez
Harry Nesbitt
Marc Edwards ✎ Bjango
Nicola Armellini
Source : abduzeedo[dot]com
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